Thursday, December 6, 2012

Burger Pollution

I have read the article "Burger Pollution" in the first issue of Up-Front magazine for December. It's about how a charbroiled burger has the same environmental impact as an eighteen wheeler that has just driven 143 miles. They both create the same air pollution because the fatty acids that come from cooking a burger evaporate into the air, causing a smoke to develop that can cause lung cancer. Also, the greenhouse gases released by cow manure and the fertilizers used to grow feeding crops to raise the future burgers(the cows), creates much more air pollution. If one burger has this kind of impact, imagine how bad it must hurt earth just to make all the burgers we have at school. If we humans find a more Eco-friendly way to make burgers, that may be another step into cleaning our Mother Earth.


  1. I never realized that making a single burger could have as much of an impact as an eighteen wheeler. With the large amount of burgers that we make, it must cause a lot of pollution. I agree that is we find a more Eco-friendly way to make burgers, it will help the earth. It will take away some of the pollution and that is a good thing.

  2. Wow I had no idea that you could actually get lung cancer from making a burger! I agree with you and Taylor that we should try to find a more eco-friendly way of making the burgers. Also taking away some of the fattier foods on the menu and putting up more salads or a wider choice of varieties that are actually healthy for you
