Wednesday, December 19, 2012

My "I Have a Dream" speech for ELA

When you all walk out if this school today, be thankful. Be thankful you don't have to fear of a bomb being dropped on your head, or that your gonna get gunned down by radical terrorists. Kids, and even everyday citizens in Iraq, have had this fear for far too long. That's just a sliver, of the effects that war has in this world. Everyday, people loose their loved ones to random terrorist groups around the world. Why? Because they are trying to prevent war. If these people, on both sides would just get along, war wouldn't exist. But no, everyday people are being killed over religious beliefs, or even because another country has something the attacking country wants. Like not to long ago, American soldiers were killing middle eastern people for oil. If ask me, that's childish. The fight for various items is like when any one of you was little, and you had a young relative, that you didn't get along with. You two would fight, and bicker, and eventually, one of you would get hurt. The only difference with war, people die in masses, and families are torn apart. Homes are destroyed. Then eventually, the society you once knew, is nothing but a distant memory. So please, if we all share this planet, we should at the least, treat each other nicely and not start wars. Or eventually, enemy bombs and missile strikes will turn what you call home, into an empty crater in the earth. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Will, I thought that this speech was great! I especially liked you second to last line, " Or eventually, enemy bombs and missile strikes will turn what you call home, into an empty crater in the earth." You also gave very specific examples that related to the world and to ourselves, the only critique that I have was in your first sentence I believe you said if instead of "of." Other than that I thought it was fantastic! Keep up the good work!
